Super Productive Blogger | 12 Tips to Improve your Blogging Skills


Being a traveler and full-time blogger has its challenges. There is no right and perfect formula that will give you the magic formula on how to do things.

Have you ever thought about giving up? Have the feelings of agitation and being overwhelmed with blogging gotten you to the point you want to quit? Lack of sleep, never-ending days trying to accomplish new content, editing photos, posting on social media, replying to emails, and more are some of the tasks that you have to do to put together a decent blog post. After trying so many things to meet my goals, to be more organized, and at the same time being more prolific in my blogging life, I came up with a list of 12 Tips to Improve my blogging skills. These little changes can make a big difference turning you into a super productive blogger.

Super Productive Blogger | 12 Tips to Improve your Blogging Skills

Set your goals

The first thing to do is to set your goals. How are you going to work on something that you want to achieve if you haven’t established what your goals are? Ask yourself the following question: what do you want to accomplish? Based on your answer, you can start working towards your target, creating a plan that will help you reach that goal.

Plan your days

It’s essential to plan your day and your week too. Try to schedule yourself, one task at a time. I usually work in blocks of 30 minutes, and then take a 5-minute break. After my first four blocks, I take a 20-minute break. In those blocks, do what you are scheduled to do, and nothing else. If you focus on that specific task without any interruption or distraction, you will be surprised by how much you can get done. Believe it or not, working in short periods with little breaks in between keeps you focused, and it helps you get things done more efficiently.

Super Productive Blogger | 12 Tips to Improve your Blogging Skills | Plan your days

Pretend you are going to your office (even if you don’t have one)

At the beginning of my journey as a blogger, I thought that it would be great to be working at home. Yoga pants, a t-shirt, a messy bun, and holding my cup of coffee, were what I needed to work on my blog. But I felt something wasn’t quite right. After a while, I realized that even if I wanted to get things done and start working more productively, my mind was thinking it was a Sunday morning, and it was a perfect day to stay at home, in bed, watching a movie, and just chilling and being lazy. Whaaaattt??? Oh no! I needed to send the right signals to my brain, and make it know that I have to get things done, regardless of my Sunday-looking outfit. If you want to send your brain the “working-mode” signal, it’s better to get ready and dress up like if you are going to your office, it can be a comfy outfit, but please take off the pajamas and start working on your blog.

Set Up your Blogging Space Area

This is a very important piece for improving your Blogging Skills. It’s not the same to work on your bed, the kitchen counter, or your living room couch than have your little blogging space where you can sit and start your creative process. It doesn’t have to be a whole room (if you have it, that’s great! good for you!) but you can set up a little table where you can put on your laptop, a comfy chair, a small plant and some other items that give you the necessary comfort for letting the juices of blogging start flowing.

Super Productive Blogger | 12 Tips to Improve your Blogging Skills | Set up your Blogging Space | Set up your blogging area

Checklists are a Must-Have

Checklists are my best friend. When you are blogging, you have a very long list of things to get done for each post. Headline improving, content, grammar checking, SEO, photo selection, photo editing, adding external links and internal links, Pin creation, etc. Checklists will save you considerable time and will help you to keep track of what you have done and what you still need to do.

Less Multitasking & More Batching

We have to Multitask on a daily basis. We cook, post on Instagram, watch the news, and text with a friend at the same time. But, when it is time to focusing on a blog activity, it’s a better idea to dedicate that time to what you need to get done without doing other things at the same time. I’m guilty of writing a post and replying to a DM on Instagram, and maybe peek my stats on google analytics while I’m working on my blog. That’s bad! Do what I say and not what I do, lol. The more we try to multitask, the more we will get all over the place, and in the end, our primary goal is to be more productive and get things done faster, better, and more efficiently. Batching is an excellent strategy to finish things more quickly. If you need to do similar tasks during your day, it’s better to batch them. Instead of writing blog posts headings each day, try to get one day of the week and write down all the ideas you can think of possible titles. If you want to edit photos, try to get one block of your day for photo editing, avoid editing photos four times a day.

Don’t spend too much time on emails and Social Media

Let’s be honest, when we received a new notification about an email, comment, like, Pin, Tweet, or anything else, we are tempted to check it out. Guess what? That is a distraction and an interruption. That little notification is getting us out of our focus to jump and see what’s going on. Those couple of minutes can turn into a whole 30 minutes of being on Instagram, and unfortunately, when we decide to get back to what we were working on, it’s going to take a while to concentrate again.I know by my own experience that it’s not easy to ignore emails and social media entirely, but with a little bit of willpower and discipline you can do it, and you will see how this small step will make a big difference in improving your efficiency in your blogging activities. I take 1 hour at the end of the day to check my emails and reply. I go and check Instagram twice a day, early in the morning and late at night to respond to comments and DM’s.

Use Tailwind to Auto Post on Pinterest and Instagram.

One of the best tools that have been a great help on my blogging journey is Tailwind. This tool is fantastic for scheduling my pins on Pinterest. Based on your niche, Tailwind will suggest the best times for posting and it will save you a lot of time because they will do pinning work for you.Tailwind analytics will tell you how your profile is doing, best Pins based on audience and repins, and all those details that are a big help when it’s time to know which Pin is performing better.
Another great feature offered by Tailwind is the Tribes; this is a great way to share your pins with thousands of people. When you belong to a tribe, you upload your pins and your tribemates will re-share those pins. Each tribe has different rules, but in general, you should share one or two pins for each Pin that you submit. Do you want to schedule your Instagram posts too and save time? The excellent news is Tailwind is offering Instagram auto-post also, including suggested best hashtags for your niche, and analytics that tells you how your account is performing.

Use Lightroom Presets for Editing your Photos

It doesn’t matter how amazing are the photos we take; editing is the icing of the cake to make those photos pop and look fantastic. The process of editing photos can be tedious, and it takes a lot of time trying to give those photos the necessary touches to make them look much better. Making your presets can be helpful, and save you time that can be invested in something else.

Use Canva for Editing your Pins

You can customize your Pins in different ways. Canva offers beautiful templates, images, add text, and many more features to make your Pins look fantastic.

Use Pinterest for Promoting your Blogposts

After you work so hard on your blog post, you want to share it with the world, right? Pinterest is a great way of promoting your posts, getting some ideas, and connecting with other bloggers. For me, Pinterest is a great tool to increase your blog traffic and share your blog posts with a broad audience. Another fantastic feature of Pinterest is that you can create as many pins as you want for the same blog post. Tryings different images, font sizes, and switching templates will allow you to see which Pin works better with the audience, and it brings more traffic to your site.

Give yourself a Well-Deserved Break

I mentioned taking little breaks between your work schedule, and also take a longer one when you finish your whole block of two or three hours. Now, I’m talking about A B-R-E-A-K (well deserved by the way). I know it’s hard to stop the blogging mindset, but you needed it. Watching TV while you are editing photos doesn’t count as a break; Go out with friends, watch a movie, go to the beach and enjoy yourself with your family and friends. Your mind, your body, and your family will thank you for it. Taking a break and disconnecting ourselves from our blog, social media, and emails will give us time to cool off and avoid feeling overwhelmed and burned out.

Super Productive Blogger | 12 Tips to Improve your Blogging Skills | Take a Break
I hope you enjoyed Super Productive Blogger: 12 Tips to Improve your Blogging Skills. I would love your feedback, your ideas, and suggestions. Share it with me in the comments section. If you like this post, feel free to Pin it for future reference.


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  1. 11.18.19
    Marie said:

    Interesting tips! I also find it increases my productivity when I have a neat and girly workspace 😉

    • 11.18.19
      Lena Walters said:

      Hi Marie!
      Yes, definitely that helps a lot. Having an organize and neat workspace is very important.

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